This qualification forms part of the RAID Master Rescue Diver program, but can also be taken as a stand-alone qualification. The qualification and learning outcomes are based on the recommendations of the European Resuscitation Council Guidelines (October 2015).

          This qualification is for divers, diving support and diving instructors. It is not designed to be used as a non-diving workplace qualification, however the generic skills learned on the course can be used in non-diving situations.




This qualification should enable Learners to attain the knowledge and practical competencies needed to deal with a range of emergency first aid situations, specifically those that divers are likely to encounter. Learners should be able to demonstrate the practical administration of safe, prompt, effective first aid in emergency situations with an understanding of the role of first-aider. The course does not contain theoretical aspects of Decompression Sickness or Oxygen Administration, as these are covered in the Master Rescue Program.


1 Day

Day 1

Classroom knowledge review, quizzes & examination
Correctly practice first aid skills

And cardiopulmonary resuscitation training according to international standards.


For Any Age Can Learning Skill

Reason for Learning

It can help the victims of the accident



During the practical session, the instructor will demonstrate each skill. Students will then practice the skill. Having students repeat skills again if need be, until mastery of each skill is shown is an essential part of practical session. All students must show mastery of all skills prior to being assessed. As students are guided through each skill, identification of the key points to assist in their development towards mastery, is essential. All skills are outlined and progress towards the development of the key attributes in simple steps. Each skill is explained prior to demonstration, so that students fully understand the key points and objectives.



Price : 4,500 THB Net Price 


How to book :

Please contact Thai Ocean Academy in any channel you prefer





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