Scuba Reboot


          This course is designed to refresh your diving knowledge and skills. As you already know diving is a truly exhilarating activity. You will always remember the magic of taking your first breath underwater and the feeling of weightlessness that divers enjoy below the surface. The underwater terrain, its marine life, and the rich history that lies on the ocean floor will provide a lifetime of rewarding adventure, inspiration, and fun. Remember refreshing your some of your diving theory is just as important as refreshing your skills.


          Every experienced diver knows that "Scuba skills are perishable:" so, if you haven’t been diving for a while, it's probably time for a REBOOT. RAID's refresher program is there to help certified divers who have been unable to dive for a while, refresh their knowledge and bring their in-water skills back to the level needed to be safe, comfortable, and competent once again.



This program is designed to provide certified divers that have been inactive with the knowledge and skills needed to safely dive again


1 Day 

Day 1

Confined Open water or Pool dive is mandatory - Supervised Open water dive is optional

Number of Dives

1 or 2


10 Years Old +

Maximum Depths

Cadet - 12 meters, Junior Open Water & Open Water 20 - 18 meters

Reason for Learning

It doesn’t matter how long you have been out of the water, you can always reboot your skills and get back in the ocean!



Price :

  • 3,500 THB Net Price in Pool
  • 4,500 THB Net Price in Ocean 


    Price included :

    - All dive equipment
    - Dive Instructor
    - Lunch , Fruit , Soft drink on the boat / Pool fee

    Price not included :

    - Accommodation
    - Transportation (Can be arranged)

    How to book :

    Please contact Thai Ocean Academy in any channel you prefer




See all dive activities gallery here for more information

18-22 FEBRUARY 2022 North Andaman Liveaboard

Photo Gallery & VDO , 3235 Views

Hardeep, Hin Luk Baat, San Chalam Jan 7 2023

Photo Gallery & VDO , 3540 Views

Koh Chang New years 2022

Photo Gallery & VDO , 4300 Views

Pattaya November 9-10th

Photo Gallery & VDO , 4473 Views

HTMS Petra, Rayong 29-30 October

Photo Gallery & VDO , 2349 Views

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