Nitrox Diver

          Want to Dive on Nitrox? - This may be a familiar question

          So what exactly is NITROX and how may it be of benefit to me diving? Contrary to what many people believe, Nitrox is not a deep-diving gas mixture. In the SCUBA diving community Nitrox refers to any SCUBA diving gas mixture composed of nitrogen less than 78% and oxygen greater than 22% and less than 40%. The trace gases are ignored.
          The benefits are; NITROX generally provides less sub-clinical decompression stress to your body when associated with diving. If you dive with a NITROX gas and follow the AIR diving table/computer no decompression limits (NDL), the amount of Nitrogen accumulation within the body will be less and therefore less stressful to the body. NITROX will extend your allowable no decompression limits or bottom time. It does this simply by reducing the amount of Nitrogen gas you are exposed to under pressure. These benefits do of course have conditions associated with them and like everything can be abused. You will learn about these conditions and how to safely dive whilst breathing NITROX. NITROX is known by many names: Enriched Air Nitrox, Oxygen Enriched Air, NITROX, EANx or Safe Air. If you see “NITROX32” or “NITROX36”, the number is referring to the percentage of oxygen content in the gas mixture and in turn the diving cylinder you are using. So “NITROX32” or “EANx32” or “Oxygen Enriched Air 32” contains 68% nitrogen and 32% oxygen. “EANx36” contains 64% nitrogen and 36% oxygen etc… The two most popular blends are EANx32 and EANx36, developed by NOAA for scientific diving, and also named Nitrox I and Nitrox II, respectively.
          It is very important that you check the gas mixture in your cylinder before each dive, because you need to know what mixture you have for calculating your dive times and to find out the maximum depth you can dive.



This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to safely use Enriched Air Nitrox, to the maximum depth of their highest certification, with a certified dive buddy


1 Day

Day 1

Completion of Nitrox academic modules, quizzes & exam. Optional confined and open water dives

Number of dives



12 Years Old +

Maximum Depths

Within the limits of student’s age and core level certifications

Reason for Learning

Enriched air allows for extended no decompression limits, and lowers the risk of decompression sickness when undertaking repetitive dives





Price : 5,000 THB Net Price (Ask for prices when combined with other courses)

Price included :

- Nitrox certification
- All dive equipment
- Dive Instructor
- Lunch , Fruit , Soft drink on the boat

Price not included :

- Accommodation
- Transportation (Can be arranged)

How to book :

Please contact Thai Ocean Academy in any channel you prefer

See all dive activities gallery here for more information

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