Scuba Diving Sidemount Course
          Sidemount diving was initially developed by cave divers to allow exploration of cave systems where access was extremely restricted. Since its inception, manufacturers and open water (non-overhead) divers have embraced the beauty, freedom and ease of sidemount diving. Today sidemount divers can be seen in all environments from serene coral reefs to passage ways in dark forbidding wrecks.
          The RAID Sidemount program has been developed to work in conjunction with both recreational to technical diving. In this program, you will learn how to safely use a single sidemount cylinder system and also the twin (left and right) cylinder configuration. This program will prepare you for continuing down either pathway, recreational or technical, and you will explore all of the wonderful advantages of being a RAID sidemount diver. The equipment you will use in this program is exactly the same as that used by advanced technical divers, with exception of the number of extra cylinders they may carry The techniques and skills mastered in this course form the essentials basics for safe sidemount diving in the open water environment. Techniques and skills that apply to other more advanced disciplines such as, cave, wreck or decompression diving can be learned by combining those programs with the Sidemount program. This is of course, is subject to those course prerequisites. To get the most out of the RAID Sidemount Specialty you will need to own or have access to a complete set of sidemount equipment.


To train divers to use sidemount configuration to dive with one or two (preferred) independent cylinders. This program may be combined with other approved RAID diver programs, such as, the Nitrox and Wreck programs


2 Days (Minimum)

Day 1

Confined Water session

Day 2

Open Water Dives

Number of dives

4 Ocean Dives (Minimum)


Cadet 10-11 years, Junior 12-14, Full/Adult 15 years old +

Maximum Depths

Within the limits of student’s age and core level certifications

Reason for Learning

The sidemount dive configuration offers you more redundant air supply, and an alternative to a standard backmount configuration. Sidemount diving is often the first step to branching into even deeper technical decompression diving and cave diving



The following are the course objectives

- The history of sidemount diving.

- The advantages of sidemount diving.

- The equipment used when sidemount diving.

- How to configure equipment for sidemount diving.

- What accessories are commonly used by sidemount divers?

- When to switch gas during the dive.

- Gas sharing techniques and what options are available.

- Safety and the independent diver philosophy


NOTE: The RAID Sidemount program can be completed by any certified diver and may even be completed in conjunction with The RAID Open Water 20 program. Likewise, depending on your certification and experience, the Sidemount program may be completed in conjunction with certain advanced level training programs like the Deco 50 or Cave Diver programs. Please consult standards when combining programs




Price : 16,500 THB Net Price


Price included :

- Sidemount Diver certification
- All dive equipment
- Dive Instructor
- Lunch , Fruit , Soft drink on the boat

Price not included :

- Accommodation
- Transportation (Can be arranged)

How to book :

Please contact Thai Ocean Academy in any channel you prefer


See all dive activities gallery here for more information

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